How to make Great PPC Campaigns For Your Business

I work with small business owners across the U.S. to help them make more money, and one of the most powerful drivers of qualified traffic to a site is through PPC. While PPC is an excellent way to drive targeted traffic to your site and boost sales. If you overlook the fundamental aspects of your PPC campaign, then you could find yourself spending more money than your marketing initiative is generating.

PPC is a dynamic relationship between user intent, search queries, keywords and ad copy. Many business owners research about keyword research and other optimization tips, but they overlook the importance of writing great PPC ad copy because they think copywriting is easy.

Although creating ad copy may seem easier than writing a landing page or a blog post, the truth is that PPC ads are difficult to write because you have to craft a compelling message in a small amount of space.

Here are five proven suggestions to make PPC ad copy that is powerful and efficient for your own business!

Align PPC Keywords, Ad Copy, and Landing Page Copy

AdWords requires you to understand the dynamics of user intent, and if you want your PPC campaigns to produce the most return for your business, then you need to know how AdWords works. In short, there are three parts that you should consider when building a campaign:

  • Choose the most useful keywords based on what users are searching for and your products and services.
  • Writing great ad copy that integrates your keywords, so your ad is shown, but also written in a way that grabs the attention of your readers and prompts them to take action.
  • Publish great landing pages that align with your keywords and ad copy, but also drives conversions.

Keywords are important because they determine whether your ad is shown to your users, but you also have to focus on integrating your keywords into your ads. The reason this is important is that the Google Auction system takes the ad copy into consideration with other factors to determine the frequency an ad is shown, the price you need to pay, and the user experience.

Above all else, your ads need to entice a click based on the needs of your user. This means that your PPC ads should be crafted in such a way as to address the problems your readers face to get them to click. Your business needs to balance between the technical optimizations of AdWords and the human needs of your customers.

Just remember that your clients are the most important factor of your business. You should align your ads with your keywords and landing pages to ensure you make the most money out of your PPC campaigns!

Focus On Power Words

Since your PPC ads need to be crafted within a limited space, you should use every letter and each word to their full advantage. Not only should you try to choose shorter phrases when possible, but some specific words and phrases resonate with your customers best. This is the same approach that you should take when developing your SEO strategy, but applying those principles to your PPC efforts.

Make your ads exciting and action-oriented. Since you want your customers to notice your ad and engage with your content, you should integrate power words and other phrases to help you stand out from your competition.

The above example shows the ads I am shown when I search for “Buy iPhone Cover.” You can see that a majority of the ads incorporate “Buy” in the Description and the ad copy. The PPC managers who made these ads did this on purpose because they knew their ad would show for people looking to purchase an iPhone case.

No matter the product, service or industry you are in you can use power words to increase engagement with your PPC ads. Here is a short list of words to integrate into your campaigns that will help you grow engage and drive qualified traffic to your landing pages!

  • Free
  • Fast
  • Super
  • Fair
  • Now
  • Must
  • Save
  • Expect
  • Local
  • Best

Review Your Competitor’s Ads

Market research isn’t just for big business because even small businesses need to understand how their competitors are working in their industry. You can study your competition to see the terms they are using and expand on their efforts to help your PPC campaigns.

I like to use SEMrush to perform a quick analysis of competitor PPC ads in a particular industry. The screenshot above shows the results of “buy iPhone case.” In this screenshot, we see some valuable information that we can use for our campaigns, including:

  1. Keywords: these are the main keywords that businesses in our industry are bidding on for this type of ad placement. You can use this information to find missing keywords in your PPC strategy, and optimize future keyword choices based on competition and price.
  2. Related Keywords: This area shows a valuable list of keyword phrases that you might not have thought of. These are associated with your primary keyword that you place in SEMrush, so you could consider these to build out existing or future campaigns.
  3. Ad Copies: This is a great list of live PPC ads that your competition is using. You can use these examples to spur brainstorming sessions to help you build new ads, or test future ads. Just be sure not to copy them correctly, because then your ad won’t stand out!

Create A Sense Of Urgency

Your customers are naturally risk-adverse, and many times people won’t take action because they don’t want to make the wrong decision. This is why your PPC ads need to include a sense of urgency. This psychological trick will make your customers believe that they need to act or else they will miss out on a great deal!

Just like the power words we talked about before, you can use urgency in your PPC ads as a strong catalyst to show that your company is active that your products and services are not going to be available forever. Many brands will utilize urgency in their marketing content by demonstrating a limited-time special or discount.

Broadly speaking, you can use two types of urgency in your ads: real and implied.

  • Real Urgency is when you promote something that has an actual end date or limited production date range. PPC copy like “24-hour special” or “This weekend only” are examples of real urgency. Once a particular point is reached the individual offer will no longer exist.
  • Implied Urgency is when you use different types of language to build excitement around your ad offer. You can use words like “Now” and “Today” to imply a small window for your customers to take action and receive a given offer. Unlike real urgency, suggested importance only suggests the need to act now.

In general, you will find that real urgency is more efficient than implied importance because it shows your customers that there are actual consequences for not taking action now. However, be aware that many consumers have become wary of exaggerated urgency in marketing.

Ensure Your Customers Take Action

Now that we have reviewed several ways you can research, test, and write fantastic PPC ad copy, you should make sure that your clients know how to take action. You want to supply content that drives action and increase conversions.

Description lines within Google AdWords to procure that click-through (70 figures in all). You’ll want to cover all necessary information here since this is where you push your goal audience to your site. The most important piece of your PPC ad is your CTA, and here are some suggestions to include that will help you engage your readers and convert them through PPC:

  • An Offer: Why should your readers click on your ad and go to your site? Are you providing a promotion? Is there a great special offer? You should outline the benefit your customer can expect.
  • A Quantity: Your readers don’t want to waste their time, so you should tell them what they can expect on your website. What is your product/service sale value? What’s the discount you are offering?
  • A Gain: What sets your company or support independent of the other organizations?
  • A Call to Action: What do you want your customers to do? Do you want them to click, call, or buy? You should help your audience with next steps by providing a clear CTA in your ads.

Great PPC Ad Copy Will Make Your Business Money!

Now that we have reviewed five proven ways to create better copy for your PPC ads, you can begin driving more qualified traffic to your site today! Remember to review your AdWords accounts frequently, and optimize your ad copy based on testing and results.

Since you pay for each click, you should use every tactic to make amazing PPC ads. Use these tips to start increasing revenue for your business today!

Author Bio:

Chris is a SEO content writing strategist in Orlando, FL. With over 13 years of experience, he works with national brands to make his clients more money by focusing on freelance copywriting, PPC, and market analysis.

Tags: adwords

View Comments (3)

  • Hi Prabhat,

    Thanks for sharing a vital post on making ppc campaigns successfully for budsinesses. You explained it thorougly with the help of small flowchart too. Just a small request, can you please explain on how to make a ad copy and a landing page ad copy.?

    Thanks in advance!!

  • I'd just advise everyone to pay close, daily attention to their campaigns, it lowers the chances of making any bigger mistakes along the way.

    Great article, btw.

  • Excellent article Prabhat! Covered everything I needed to know about How to create a PPC Campaign. Cleared up my whole perspective on the topic!

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